Entercom's David Field Has A Positive Vibe For 2014

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ENTERCOM Pres./CEO DAVID FIELD has penned his thoughts about the challanges for radion in 2014 on the company blog. In it, he writes, "As we begin this first full week of 2014, I’d like to share a few thoughts on how we are doing and why I am so optimistic about the year ahead."

In addition to good news for his company, FIELD shares, "2013 was also a good year for the radio industry. We joined with our peers in a landmark partnership with Sprint to broaden our distribution with direct FM access on smartphones.  And research continued to show that broadcast radio listenership is massive and growing.  A few headlines:

* Broadcast Radio’s audience grew to an all-time record high of 242 million people 12+ (NIELSEN)

* Broadcast Radio is the #1 medium in the U.S. between 5a and 5p daily, surpassing television, internet and all others.  (NIELSEN)

* Broadcast Radio is the only remaining real-time, mass reach medium in the country.  Think about that for a moment.  With DVR usage and delayed TV viewership surging, a huge percentage of TV ads are now consumed many days after broadcast (if they are viewed at all).  Consider all of the advertisers whose message requires immediacy (live events, sale dates, specific limited offers, movie openings, etc.).  Radio is now the ONLY viable way to reach a mass audience with real-time advertising."

FIELD is very positive about radio in 2014, summing up "We are blessed to work in an industry that matters so much in the lives of the American people.  We serve a vital role during emergencies like the BOSTON marathon bombings or HURRICANE SANDY to help save lives and help communities cope and heal.  In more normal times, we play an important role in American’s daily lives, serving, entertaining, informing, and engaging the public.  We are the primary way Americans discover new music.  We are virtual family to tens of millions of Americans, providing comfort, companionship and local connection.  We play a key role in our democracy by providing news and talk programming to inform and educate the public.  And we are deeply connected with our communities through our local personalities, our events and concerts, and our public service and fundraisers.  And we do it all for free."